/Delegates to the American Institute of Architects (AIA) national convention in Atlanta elected Thomas V. Vonier, FAIA, (AIA Continental Europe) 2016 AIA First Vice President/2017 President at AIA. Jennifer Workman, AIA, L. Jane Frederick, FAIA, and Anthony P. Schirripa, FAIA, have been elected to serve as the At-large Director; Stuart L. Coppedge, AIA, has been elected 2016–2017 Treasurer.
Three additional At-large Directors were elected by the Strategic Council on in advance of AIA Convention 2015. They were Thierry Paret, FAIA (AIA Middle East), Donald King, FAIA, and Deepika Padam, AIA
Currently serving as 2014–2015 AIA Vice President, Vonier is also the founder and past president of AIA Continental Europe from 1994 to 1995. He served on the AIA Board of Directors representing the AIA International Region from 2010 to 2012. Vonier received an M.Arch. and a B.Arch. from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee after attending the school of architecture at Washington University in St. Louis. He is also currently Secretary General of the International Union of Architects, after previously serving as its Vice President.
Tom Vonier was also instrumental in the creation of the Middle East Chapter and continues to be a strong supporter. Tom Vonier and Thierry Paret will be the only two serving board members from the international region (AIA Continental Europe Chapter and AIA Middle East Chapter).
The AIA National Board is responsible for providing operational and fiduciary management of the Institute. The newly reduced board will be made up of:
· Four Elected Officers (elected by the delegates at the annual convention)
o AIA President (one-year term)
o First Vice President/President-Elect (one-year term, then automatically succeeding to the Presidency)
o Secretary (two-year term)
o Treasurer (two-year term)
· Six At-Large Directors
o Three At-Large Directors elected by the delegates at the annual convention (three-year terms)
o Three At-Large Directors elected by the Strategic Council (one to three-year terms)
o As many as two At-Large Directors selected by the President but subject to Board approval (terms no longer than the selecting President’s term)
· Associate Director (two-year term)
· A CACE Director (one-year term)
· A Student Director
· The AIA’s EVP/Chief Executive Officer (a non-voting member)